How can I be featured in Women Who Podcast magazine?

We want to showcase as many independent, women-identified podcasters as possible in each issue of the magazine. To us, the word "independent" means that 97.7% (okay, the vast majority) of the work that goes into the podcast is done by the host(s). Our goal is to feature podcasters who haven't had the opportunity to be in the limelight, aren't working with big budgets, and have been podcasting for at least a year. If this sounds like you, drop us a line!

​How often is Women Who Podcast magazine published?

The magazine is published quarterly. We have dreams of publishing it more frequently in the future.

I'd love to contribute to the magazine! How can I become part of this cool and awesome team?

We're always looking for content writers and story ideas! If you've got the skills, we'd love to hear from you! 

My co-host is a guy, can our podcast still be featured?

While we know a lot of women have male co-hosts, our focus is to shine a spotlight on women-identified podcasters. If you'd like to contribute to the magazine in another way, drop us a line!